Double und Joint Degree Programs

Information for Incoming Double and Joint Degree Students

As a participant of a Double or Joint Degree Program, studying abroad is an integral part of your study program and you spend half of your degree program at the University of Mannheim.

In addition to the degree of your home institution, you will also receive a degree at the University of Mannheim. Double and Joint Degrees are offered in certain study programs and with selected partner universities.

With a double degree program, you will receive, as the name suggests, two degrees, one from your home institution and one from the University of Mannheim.

In the case of a joint degree, you will receive a joint degree certificate from both universities. A joint degree is a combined degree program of the cooperating universities with a common set of study regulations.

FAQs about Double und Joint Degree Programs

  • How do I apply for a Double or Joint Degree Program?

    All double and joint degree students study at the University of Mannheim as part of a double degree program or a cooperation of the respective home institution and the University of Mannheim. Please contact the International Office of your home institution for information on the application process.

    If your application for a placement has been successful at your home institution, you must be officially nominated for a study place at the University of Mannheim. As soon as we have received the nomination of your home institution, you will receive an e-mail containing the log-in data for our study abroad application portal as well as further important information and data on your program. Please complete the online application as soon as possible. Only after you have completed the application you will receive an official letter of admission. You will need the letter of admission for your visa application.

    Deadlines for completing the online application:

    • 30 April for the fall semester
    • 31 October for the spring semester
  • What level of language proficiency is required?

    At the University of Mannheim, courses are taught in English and German. Students thus need at least German or English level B2 (in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Students do not have to prove their language proficiency by submitting any language certificates. We trust that our partner universities select students with sufficient English or German language proficiency.

  • In which subject areas do joint and double degree programs exist?

    Double and Joint Degrees are offered in certain study programs and with selected partner universities. There are currently programs in the following subject areas:

    • Business
    • Economics
    • Political Science
    • German Studies
    • Law (in preparation)

Overview of Mannheim Double and Joint Degrees

Die Hinterköpfe vieler Studenten, die bei einem Festakt einen schwarzen Absolventenhut tragen.
Mannheim Master of Management

Students of seven international double degree programs from Italy, Denmark, France, Taiwan, Canada, Norway, or the USA have the opportunity to participate in the Mannheim Master in Management.


Eine aufgeklappte Weltkarte liegt auf einem Holztisch. Eine Hand hält die Karte fest.
ENTER-Program in the M.SC Economics

The ENTER program enables students of one of three universities in Spain, France, or Sweden to obtain a double degree in cooperation with the University of Mannheim.

Eine Hand hält eine kleine Weltkugel fest. Die Fingernägel sind rot lackiert. Darunter liegt das Logo der Universität Mannheim.
Double Degree Program in the Master's Program in Political Science

In the master's program in Political Science, students of Milan's Bocconi University can acquire a degree from the University of Mannheim alongside their studies in Milan.

Ein modernes Gebäude aus dunkelgrauem Stein und einer langen Glasfassade. Davor stehen ein paar grüne Bäume.
Double Degree in the B.Sc. Business Administration

The “future leaders” double degree program with Guanghua School of Management at Beijing University offers four semesters in Mannheim, four semesters in Beijing and the German as well as the Chinese bachelor's degree for students of business administration.

Zwei Studentinnen gehen eine Treppe im Mannheimer Schloss runter.
Joint Degree Intercultural German Studies

In this joint degree program students of the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, will spend one year of your studies at the University of Mannheim, and receive a master's degree from both universities. The program focuses on German language and literature.