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Transitioning from a Bachelor’s Program to a Master’s Program

The decision for or against getting a master’s degree is not easy and very individual. It is important to thoroughly reflect your situation, be clear about your goals, and to understand the requirements of the profession you want to get into. If you have made that decision, choosing a particular master’s program may also be challenging. But with some essential questions, helpful contact persons as well as the right preparation, the decision for or against a master’s program and the search for the right program becomes easier.

Should I pursue a master’s degree or not?

Here is some information that may help you to make that decision:

  • Professional goals and ambitions

    If your professional goals require a master’s degree, this may give a clear indication for deciding for a master’s degree. In some professions, especially in research, law, academia, and medicine, you need at least a master’s degree.
    With a master’s degree from the University of Mannheim, you have excellent career prospectives. Explore your manifold prospects.

  • Personal development

    A master’s program offers the opportunity to expand your knowledge and to further develop your personality. In a master’s program, learning and studying is fundamentally different, compared to a bachelor’s program: You often work in small groups closely together with your fellow students and teachers. The work is more intensive but so is the focus on a topic. This can be a lot of fun if you are really invested in a subject. Talking to like-minded people may also help a lot when it comes to developing your personality. A master’s program is a great opportunity to specialize in a field.
    From a pragmatic point of view, getting a master’s degree will give you more time to think about the professional path you want to take.

  • Financial considerations

    Getting a master’s degree may be expensive, due to the tuition fees and the potential loss of income while you study. Consider your financial situation and decide if you are able to pursue a master’s program without incurring a lot of debt. Learn more about financial support at the University of Mannheim.
    However, you may earn more with a master’s degree later on. In sectors like public service, you will belong to a certain remuneration bracket, depending on your degree. Getting a master’s degree may be worth it from a financial point of view.

  • Work-life balance

    Pay attention to your work-life balance and your mental health! Did you have fun during your bachelor’s program? Did you struggle? A master’s program requires a lot of work and may be stressful. Consider whether you are willing to put in this work and have the capacity to make this effort. If you are passionate about a subject and have intrinsic motivation to put a lot of time and effort into your studies, a master’s program may be the right thing for you! Thorough self-reflection is helpful here.

    You like studying but you want to slightly change the subject? The transition from a bachelor’s program to a master’s program is an opportunity to do so. A few years ago, the system was very strict and students had to stick to the track of study they chose or start a new program. The system with bachelor’s and master’s programs is much more flexible. After you have earned your bachelor’s degree, you can reflect: Where and how do I want to proceed? With a bachelor’s degree in Teacher Education, you do not have to pursue a master’s degree in Teacher Education if you think that the teaching profession might not be the right fit for you. If you earn a bachelor’s degree in Culture and Economy, you can add a master’s degree in the Humanities or in Economics or Business Administration.

  • Benefit from your university experience

    You have already gained a lot of experience during your bachelor’s program, so the master’s program may not be as much of a challenge as starting your studies. The transition from secondary school to university is a much more serious step and you made it! You are familiar with student life, know your way around the library, Mensa and so on, and know what is important when it comes to term papers. If you stay at the university where you earned your bachelor’s degree, you have a home advantage. However, a new university offers new impressions, new insights, and new people. If you decide to pursue a master’s degree, you benefit from all experiences gained during your bachelor’s program.

Do you want to pursue a master’s program? Yes! What now?

You decided to top up your bachelor’s degree with a master’s degree. But you may not know which program and which direction is right for you? Here are some approaches that may help you to choose a program.

  • Get an overview

    In Germany, there are more than 10,000 master’s programs. To not lose the overview, we recommend the website. You can browse the programs offered or sort them according to the track of study. On the websites of the universities, you can get a first impression and compare different curricula. You can also filter the programs of the University of Mannheim to be able to learn more about the individual programs.

    go to the program finder

  • Ask for advice

    Ask for advice from our student advisors, professors, professionals, and students. Their experience and insights may be valuable – also when it comes to choosing a university.

    Do you want to learn more about the master’s programs at the University of Mannheim and do you want to receive subject-specific advice when choosing a program and a university?

  • Check the requirements

    For a master’s degree, the admission requirements vary depending on the subject and higher education institution. Generally, a bachelor’s degree or similar degree is a requirement. However, students are also often selected on the basis of their grades, and internships, sample work, letters of motivation, language certificates or special aptitude tests may also be relevant. Some master’s programs require that applicants have certain subject-specific knowhow. It is best to learn more about the specific admission criteria of the individual program early in the process.
    At the University of Mannheim, there are different criteria, depending on the master’s program.
    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate and contact the program managers or contact persons in the Admissions Office.

  • Observe the application deadline

    When applying for a master's degree program, it is important to consider the different deadlines of different universities and higher education institutions.

    These can vary greatly and may therefore not be an option for you.

    At the University of Mannheim, for example, the application period starts and ends earlier, since we have an international academic calendar. Please compile all documents required carefully and in due time, and pay attention to the specific requirements of the individual higher education institution.

    more on the application deadlines at the University of Mannheim

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