Mann mit blau weiß gestreiften T-Shirt hat Baby auf dem Arm. Baby lächelt in die Kamera und hat einen weißen Body mit gelb-blauen Punkten an.

Students With Children

Studying with a child – and even studying abroad?

Why not? There is child care in other countries, too. Having a child does not mean giving up your dream of going abroad. There are a lot of places where you can find information and assistance. The Erasmus program will even provide you with financial support.

Support and counseling

In addition to the general counseling by the Studierendenwerk, the staff of the International Office is happy to answer any questions related to going abroad. You are interested in a certain country or university? We can find out if and how child care can be provided there. Through the Erasmus+ program, we can also offer financial support for stays abroad within Europe.

The platform (studying abroad with children) provides a lot of useful information (only available in German). The information and testimonials on the website will help you in your decision to go abroad.

Financial support for stays abroad with Erasmus

The Erasmus+ program promotes equal opportunity. This is why students who are a single parent and take their child or children with them during their Erasmus stay abroad are eligible for additional Erasmus funding. Seek advice on your funding options from the International Office early on.

The social counseling services of the Studierendenwerk can provide information on funding for travel expenses, tuition fees and health insurance in the context of BAföG for stays abroad, and on other funding options for stays abroad such as scholarships and student loans.

Do you still have doubts?

Visit the “Studying abroad with children” platform or the DAAD website (only available in German) and get inspired by the testimonials of other students who took a chance and went abroad with their child. If you search the web, you will also find other websites with more testimonials.

Melanie Waldmueller hat dunkelbraunes mittellanges Haar. Sie trägt einen dunkelblauen Strickpulli sowie eine Silberkette und eine Brille. Sie lächelt.

Spending a semester abroad at the University of Oslo together with my son was an experience I will never forget. During our time in Oslo, we explored many new places, learned a foreign language and overcame many challenges. This made us grow closer as a team.

If you are considering going abroad with your child, be brave and do it! For children, seeing this early in their lives how quickly they can make friends with someone who speaks a different language or comes from a different culture is a unique experience.

Melanie Waldmüller, student in the master’s program in Psychology, University of Oslo (Norway) / Credit: Elisa Berdica