Two students are standing in the hallway of the castle and talking.

For First-Year Students

Welcome to the University of Mannheim! On this website, you will find everything you need to know and prepare for the start of your studies: Orientation events, funding options, student ID card, finding your way around campus and much more.

Three students in the castle courtyard look towards the camera. The central building of the palace in the background.
Your Start at the University of Mannheim

Here you will find important information and documents for successfully starting in your program at the University of Mannheim.

Students sit at a table and listen to a talk.
Orientation Events

At the orientation event of your school, that will take place before the lecture period starts, you will learn more about studying at the University of Mannheim.

  • You have been admitted. What’s next?

    Submit enrollment forms

    By enrolling you are accepting your study place at the university and you will receive a student ID number. Read more on our “Enrollment” website.


    Read the information on your program

    There are important documents, such as the examination regulations and the module catalog, for your program which you need to read to plan your degree. For more information, please see the websites for first-year students of the schools and the student portal.

    Information on your program

    Mark your calendar for the orientation events

    In the first few days of your studies, the university organizes various orientation events to help you find your feet at the start of the first semester. Usually, these events take place in the week before the lecture period begins.

    Click here for the exact dates

  • Getting Started: Living in Mannheim


    Financial support through BAföG, scholarships or jobs for students – there are a number of options when it comes to financing your studies. To find the right financing option for you, you should look into the various options early on and learn about requirements and deadlines.


    Find a place to stay

    The Studierendenwerk Mannheim manages around 3,000 rooms in 17 residence halls that are spread out over the entire city. Tip: You do not have to be enrolled to apply for a spot at a residence hall – it pays to be quick!

    Neighborhoods in the City of Mannheim

    Get to know the public transport

    With the JugendticketBW, the Deutschlandticket or the VRN Nextbike you can use public transport.

    VRN-Website (only in German)

    Find your way around campus

    Get to know the university.

    Campus tour (online)

    Library tour (online)

  • Getting Started: Setting up the IT infrastructure

    Apply for and activate your ecUM

    The ecUM, short for electronic card University of Mannheim, is your student ID, your library ID and cashless payment method all in one. As soon as you have uploaded a photo of yourself and have been enrolled, the card will be created and sent via mail to your German address.

    ***Update: Please go to the InfoCenter in the library Schloss Schneckenhof to get your ecUM.***

    Please activate your ecUM to use it in the University Library.


    Activate your ecUM

    Setting up your Uni-ID and password

    You will need your Uni-ID for your e-mail account, the library and for accessing the information portal Portal² and the e-learning platform ILIAS.





    Set up the client for access to the university network on your computer

    On campus, you can use the Uni-ID to connect to eduroam, the university’s wireless.

    In order to access the university network from your home, you need to install the Cisco VPN AnyConnect Client.

    Wireless Access

    Install the VPN client

    Set up Office 365 for students

    Students have two options for using Office 365.  You can use a free online version under the Microsoft 365 agreement for students or an installed version for which you have to pay an annual fee of EUR 3.99.

    Microsoft 365

    Install Office 365

    Further assistance

    Please contact the University IT if you have any questions on the IT services.

    IT Services for Students

  • Starting your studies: Our orientation week

    Go to orientation events

    Orientation events help you find your way around the university and campus life. They also are a good opportunity to get in touch with people.

    Click here for the exact dates

    Go to the orientation weekAt the orientation week for first-year students (Erstiwoche) , organized by AStA, students get to know each other in an informal way through joint activities.AStA website

    Set up your course schedule and register for courses

    Take a look at the course catalog and select your courses for the first semester. You can register for your courses on the student portal Portal². The orientation events will provide some guidance for setting up your course schedule. Also, the departmental student committees can help.


    Register for tours and introductory courses offered by the University Library 

    The University Library offers a variety of tours, courses and learning videos for subject-specific research competencies.

    Courses offered by the University Library 

    Register for sports courses

    The Institute of Sports offers a wide range of sports courses. Most of the courses are free of charge.

    Sports program

    Register for language courses, computer courses

    Studium Generale offers a wide range of extracurricular classes: language classes, IT classes, communication or presentation classes.

    Studium Generale

    Get involved and meet new people

    Members of a departmental student committee or student organization are actively shaping life at university. They meet at regular intervals to organize events and presentations.

    Student involvement

  • Study successfully: Passing examinations

    Stay up-to-date

    The university informs students about any news relevant to their studies. Please check your e-mails regularly. For current information, please refer to the website of the University of Mannheim and the newsletters on our programs.

    E-mail login

    Read the exam regulations

    There is an examination regulation for each program. which outline the coursework and examinations to be completed by students. This document also contains information on examination deadlines, circumstances in which an examination can be re-taken, the number of ECTS credits required to start the final thesis, and the exact degree awarded.

    Examination regulations

    Gather information about exam registrations

    You need to register for exams during the semester. The requirements and conditions for registration, withdrawal, late registration, change in registration are different for every program. Exam registration is done via Portal².

    Exam registration

    Learning and study techniques

    Learning and study techniques help you to master your studies successfully. In addition to a wide-ranging course program, students can also receive individual support in one-on-one sessions.

    Overview of our services

Icon laptop with doctor hat on the screen

To help you study successfully at the University of Mannheim, we recommend that you use a laptop.
If you are unable to purchase your own laptop, you can also borrow mobile devices from the university.

Two hands are typing on a Laptop.
Everything You Need to Know about Enrolling

From applying to enrolling: Step by step towards your program of study.

A staff member and a student in a meeting.
Advice Services Directory

Find the right contact person.

A pregnant student in a personal consultation with an employee.
Studying under Special Circumstances

Support for students with children, students caring for a relative, students with a chronic illness or disability.

Three students are sitting on a meadow on campus. They have documents and laptops open in front of them.
International Students

You are an international student at the University of Mannheim and you have questions? The International Office team supports all international students.

Student commitment

The student representatives (AStA or departmental student committees) or the more than 50 student organizations offer the possibility for commitment alongside your studies. Be a part of it!