University Supervisory Board

The University Supervisory Board is the university's statutory supervisory body, comparable to the supervisory board of a company, and responsible for the development of the higher education institution.


The University Supervisory Board supervises the President’s Office which manages the university and fulfills the tasks specified in section 20 subsection 1 of the act on the higher education institutions in the Land of Baden-Württemberg (Landeshochschulgesetz, LHG). The University Supervisory Board is, inter alia, responsible for approving the strategic plans developed by the President's Office as well as the university’s budget. The University Supervisory Board also discusses the establishment of new university institutions as well as changes to and dissolutions of existing institutions. In addition, the University Supervisory Board controls the effects and the cost effectiveness of the measures initiated by the President's Office and the schools.

As the supervisory body, the University Supervisory Board gives impetus to the university’s long-term position.

The Constitution of the University of Mannheim specifies the composition of the University Supervisory Board.


The University Supervisory Board has nine elected members. Four members are members of the university while five members come from external institutions and companies. More details are specified in section 20 of the act on the higher education institutions in the Land of Baden-Württemberg and section 4 of the Constitution of the University of Mannheim.

  • External members


    Margret Suckale
    Former member of the Board of Directors

    Regular members

    Prof. Dr. h.c. Jutta Allmendinger, Ph.D.
    WZB Berlin Social Science Center
    Dr. Lorenz Näger
    Former Chief Financial Officer of Heidelberg Cement
    Dr. Nina Schwab-Hautzinger
    Corporate Communications & Government Relations
    Prof. Dr. Michèle Wessa
    Professor for Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology
    Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
  • Internal members

    Deputy chair

    Prof. Dr. Matthias Krause
    Chair of Theoretical Computer Science

    Regular members

    Prof. Dr. Karin Hoisl
    Chair of Organization and Innovation

    Dr. Stefan Janke
    Chair of Educational Psychology
    Tim Neubauer
    Student member

Schedule of Meetings

The schedule of meetings of the University Supervisory Board in the upcoming semesters is available here.


The office of the University Supervisory Board is the central point of contact for all questions relating to the University Supervisory Board. The office plans and prepares the meetings of the University Supervisory Board. In accordance with section 2 subsection 3 of the Rules of Order, the Office provides information to all members of the University Supervisory Board. In addition, the University Supervisory Board is responsible for implementing the resolutions of the University Supervisory Board.


Dr. Bendedikt Kastner

Dr. Bendedikt Kastner

Coordinator of Committees and Bodies / Office of the University Council
University of Mannheim
President's Office
Schloss Ostflügel
68161 Mannheim