Going Abroad

Whether it is a short trip to an international conference or a longer research stay with a project partner abroad – we will support your international mobility to ensure that you can take part in international research activities.

We believe that international mobility will grant you new opportunities for your own research, keep you up to date, and help you network with countless fascinating researchers from all over the world. Researching has never been as global as it is today; become a part of it!

There are currently three funding lines at the University of Mannheim where you can apply for financial support for stays abroad:

The Internationalization of Doctoral Education@the University of Mannheim (IDEUM) programme is open to all doctoral students at the university.

The Women go abroad programme is aimed exclusively at female doctoral students, female postdocs and female junior professors.

The Erasmus program enables researchers and teachers at the University of Mannheim to spend time teaching and training abroad in Europe. ERASMUS+ funds short-term learning stays for doctoral students at an ENGAGE.EU partner university.