Within the framework of the measures for quality assurance in doctoral procedures, the University of Mannheim has appointed ombudspersons to mediate in case that differences between supervisors and their doctoral students arise in the course of the doctorate.
Confidential and independent
The ombudspersons are confidential contacts for both doctoral students and supervisors. They are independent entitiesthat provide advice and mediate in cases of conflict. They can only make recommendations for conflict resolution, the implementation of which is left to the parties concerned.
If you need advice, you can contact one of the ombudspersons directly. Before contacting them, please refer to the Statutes of the University of Mannheim (section 3) for information on the exact procedure.
In any case, your request will be treated confidentially and information will not be passed on to third parties.
You are also welcome to contact the advisor on doctoral studies at the University of Mannheim in advance and arrange a consultation appointment.
At times, we all need someone to turn to for advice, e.g. in case of difficult situations among colleagues or in the event of conflicts with our supervisors and/
The counseling service of the Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity provides advice on the following topics, among others:
- Sexual harassment
- Anti-discrimination
- Observance of the Code of Conduct of the University of Mannheim
- Reconciling family and work