The University of Mannheim offers a large selection of courses that are taught in English. You can thus complete an exchange program at the University of Mannheim without prior German language skills.
You may not only attend courses offered by your school but also several courses of other schools. These are called university-wide electives. Please ask the responsible exchange coordinator at your home institution whether you will get ECTS credits for the language courses offered at the University of Mannheim.
At the University of Mannheim, exchange students are offered the opportunity to attend a broad range of German language courses. Before the beginning of the semester, preparatory German language courses are organized as part of the International Winter Academy or the International Summer Academy, respectively. More courses on German language and culture are offered during the semester.
Besides attending German language courses, students also have the opportunity to learn other foreign languages. For example, Spanish, Turkish, and Chinese language courses are offered as part of the Studium Generale organized by the Service und Marketing GmbH. Yet, you need to have a good level of German language proficiency in order to be able to participate in these courses because they are taught in German. In order to attend courses offered as part of the Studium Generale you need to complete the online application in time. Please note that you will not receive any ECTS credits for these courses.