Coming to Mannheim from Abroad

The University of Mannheim attracts students from all over the world. Every fifth student at the university comes from abroad to pursue their bachelor’s or master’s degree, or doctorate in Mannheim. There are many reasons for this: For example, the University of Mannheim is ranked excellently in the most important global rankings. According to the QS World University Ranking by Subject, the University of Mannheim is the best German university in Social Sciences (including Business Administration and Economics), and has been ranked number 55 worldwide. Then, the University of Mannheim has aligned its academic calendar with the international academic year and is offering exceptional degree programs such as the bachelor’s program in Culture and Economy, the Master of Comparative Business Law, and the Mannheim Master in Data Science. Last but not least, students of the University of Mannheim have the unique opportunity to learn and study in one of the largest and most beautiful baroque palace buildings in Europe. Another plus: International students will not be left to themselves. The staff members of the International Office assist international students with all important study-related issues such as enrollment, administrative procedures, and searching accommodation.

Impressions of the University of Mannheim

International degree-seeking students

Would you like to complete your whole degree at the University of Mannheim? You can find information on our degree programs and the application process here.

Zwei Studenten und eine Studentin lernen gemeinsam an einem Tisch im Learning Center der Universität Mannheim. Auf dem Tisch liegen Notizblöcke und Stifte.
International exchange students

The International Office explains why you should study abroad in Mannheim and how you can apply for a study place.

Zwei Frauen und zwei Männer sitzen neben der Mensawiese an einem Tisch und arbeiten fröhlich zusammen. Vor ihnen auf dem Tisch stehen Getränke und Bücher.
International scholars

The Welcome Center supports researchers and teachers from overseas before and during their time in Mannheim.

Eine Studentin und ein Student lernen gemeinsam in einer roten Nische im Learning Center der Universität Mannheim.
International Double und Joint Degree Students

With double or joint degrees, you spend half of your study time in Mannheim and acquire a degree from the University of Mannehim in addition to the degree at your home institution.

Video: Student Life at the University of Mannheim