Gruppe von vier gutgelaunten Personen, die an Tisch sitzen und miteinander lernen.

Continuing Education in Academia

Certificate Programs at the University of Mannheim

Strengthening your own potential, deepening your knowledge, finding solutions for the issues of the future – there are many good reasons to continue your education alongside your job or even during your studies.

At the University of Mannheim, you can acquire new knowledge flexibly and at university level – for example, in one of our certificate programs or courses.

Studentin im Park
Studium Oecologicum

The need for sustainable global management is obvious. But how do you start living more sustainably? In our certificate course “Studium Oecologicum”, you will acquire interdisciplinary expertise that will help you to act ethically and make holistic decisions.

Zwei Studentinnen schauen gemeinsam in ein Tablet.
Part-Time Program DaF/ DaZ

With the part-time program German as a Foreign Language/ German as a Second Language at the University of Mannheim, you will benefit from a sound combination of scientific fundamentals and practice. After graduation, you will be qualified as a teacher in integration courses of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) or as a specialist for German as a Foreign Language / German as a Second Language.

Person mit grauer Jeanshose, gelben Schuhen und Kopfhörer in der Hand sitzt auf dem Boden und gegenüber von zwei auf dem Boden liegenden Pianos.
Culture Goes Start-Up

In the course “Culture goes Start-up” of the Mannheim Research Group in Culture, Innovation & Entrepreneurship (MARCIE), people engaged in the cultural field can develop their own business idea into a business plan. In addition to entrepreneurial creativity, they work in a team on pitching, testing, and financing.

Mann mit kurzen braunen Haaren und einem Bart trägt ein hellblaues Hemd, eine VR-Brille und lacht dabei.
Culture Innovates

How do you realize innovative projects in cultural institutions? What entrepreneurial know-how is needed to start transformations in the cultural sector? Find out in the course “Culture innovates” of the Mannheim Research Group in Culture, Innovation & Entrepreneurship (MARCIE)!

Studierende sitzen auf einer Wiese vor dem Schloss und unterhalten sich miteinander.
International continuing education programs

Online courses, joint certificate programs, summer schools, master's programs – ENGAGE.EU offers all students a wide range of international continuing education opportunities at its nine partner universities.

Get involved in social change in Europe – become an ENGAGE.EU Learner!

Contact for continuing education in academia

María Jesús Collado Gómez, M.A.

María Jesús Collado Gómez, M.A.

Head of Studium Generale
University of Mannheim
Service und Marketing GmbH
Studium Generale
L 9, 7 – Room 110
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
By appointment