Mannheim Schloss as illustration, composed of many colorful, different-colored building blocks.

Diversity at the University of Mannheim

Embracing diversity and inclusion

The University of Mannheim embraces and promotes diversity in all its forms, whether it be origin, identity, sexual orientation, ideology, ability or age: Our aim is to make the university a place where we actively oppose discrimination and stand up for diversity.

In March 2024, the University of Mannheim has completed the “Vielfalt gestalten” (“shaping diversity”) audit and has received the audit certificate. During the two-year audit process, employees of the university have developed an extensive catalog of measures to make the university more diverse. “Diversity does not end with the audit but is an ongoing task,” emphasizes Thomas Fetzer, President.

On this website, you will find contact persons providing advice and support as well as current information, developments, and events related to equal opportunity and diversity sensitivity.

Diversity news and events

Equal opportunity for all genders

Equal opportunity and the recognition of diversity are important goals of the university.


Taking a stand against any kind of discrimination – be it on individual, institutional, or societal level. Qualified staff members offer support for those affected by discrimination.

Equal opportunity in education

Irrespective of their social background, everyone should have equal opportunity to study and reach career goals – we have implemented various measures to help to achieve this.

Family-friendly university

We are continually developing our services for families to ensure that family, studies, professional life, and research can be reconciled.

Cultural diversity

We are convinced that diversity and tolerance are crucial for our society. International research and teaching as well as integration and consulting services serve to promote these fundamental factors.


Our goal is to enable and support equal participation in all areas. We are continuously working to reduce barriers in our offline and online services.

Whether it's gender, inequality and migration, body and gender in contemporary cinema or the stigmatization of ethnic groups in the German media – in research and teaching, we deal with the topic of diversity from a wide range of perspectives.

read more about diversity in research and teaching