Mitarbeitende sitzt auf einem Smoothie Bike

One University – Many Faces

Staff Days at the University of Mannheim

On June 13 and 14, 2023, the Staff Days took place for the second time at the University of Mannheim on campus and in the Baroque Palace. Under the motto “One university – many faces”, many employees were very happy to take the opportunity to get to know previously unknown sides of the university and to exchange ideas with colleagues from other departments and schools away from their everyday work. With workshops, health offers, guided tours and various social events, the atmosphere was open and positive in the bright sunshine.

The program included:

  • Guided tours, for example of the campus, the bunker or the castle church
  • portrait shoots
  • a smoothie bike that provided delicious vitamins
  • a massage chair that relieved tension
  • interesting lectures and much more...

There were numerous opportunities to exchange ideas and network, for example at the lunch lottery, speed networking, the parents' network meeting, the WUMAN picnic or during the queer lunch break.

A dedicated organizing team from Devision I and Devision V put together the diverse range of events.

Guided Tours
Social Events
Info Points
