IT Specialist for System Integration
Become a specialist for all aspects of computing and information technology. As an IT specialist for system integration, you will assist with the introduction of IT systems, take care of the installation, configuration, and maintenance of hardware and software, servers or media technology and provide users with advice and support. Software development and IT security will also be part of your job. Your working days will be rich in variety and offer maximum flexibility. Sometimes, you will need to act displaying foresight and sometimes, you will have to react quickly to problems and find solutions.
Facts and figures about the training
Duration of the vocational training: Three years (may be reduced to two years where applicable)
Start of training: On 1 September of each year
Vocational training pay: Payment according to TVA-L BBiG
Training structure:
- On-the-job training in the areas and departments of the University IT (UNIT) with a focus on system integration
- Vocational school in Mannheim (Werner-von-Siemens Schule)
Required skills and qualifications
- As a digital native, you are passionate about the IT industry and technical systems. Solving challenging puzzles and complex tasks is right up your alley.
- At least a secondary school diploma or (technical) high school diploma
- Sound academic performance, especially in mathematics and science
- Very good knowledge of German, good English language skills
- Desire to constantly learn something new
- Ability to work independently and keen perception
This is what we offer
- Varied activities in an exciting and engaging environment: We are not a typical company, but a university where something new is happening every day.
- Payment according to TVA-L BBiG
- Personal advice and supervision during the entire training
- Modern IT environment with high innovation and quality standards
- Generous free space for learning and experimenting;
- Central location, direct connection to public transport, only a few steps to the Mannheim main station
- “Job-Ticket BW” for regional public transport
- Affordable lunch break options on campus and in the city
- Option to participate in university sports
- And many more benefits
Information on the workplace
With around 12,000 students, the University of Mannheim is one of the leading higher education institutions in Germany. The programs in Economics and Business Administration as well as in Social Sciences, in particular, always rank high in national and international rankings. The University of Mannheim offers its more than 2,600 employees an exciting working environment featuring numerous benefits.
The rapidly developing University IT Mannheim (UNIT) operates the entire IT infrastructure, network, and media technology for the University of Mannheim. As a central university institution with over 110 employees, we offer a wide range of modern IT services, develop custom-fit IT solutions for teaching, research, and administration, and support the university in the implementation of digital processes.
The proportion of women in IT professions continues to be low in Germany. We are seeking to change that. As part of the “Girls' Day”, for example, the University IT Mannheim introduces girls to IT professions, they train young women to become IT specialists, and supervise DHBW students in the fields of Computer Science and Business Informatics. We strongly encourage qualified women to apply.
Applicants with a disability are given preferential consideration in the event of equal qualification.
A perfect match?
Do not hesitate to apply! Click here to see our latest vocational training positions.