Good Research Practice
Good research practice, as performed at the University of Mannheim, is required to ensure research and teaching is of the highest quality.
Principles, Standards, Misconduct
But what are the principles of good research practice at the university? When does research misconduct occur? And which standards are used to verify suspicions?
These and other questions are answered in the Code of Good Research Practice at the University of Mannheim and the Statutes of the University of Mannheim on Procedures for Handling Research Misconduct. The Senate published these documents in 2014 following recommendations from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK).
Ombudspersons at the University of Mannheim advise and support all researchers in matters relating to research practice. They are also the first points of contact in cases of suspicion. The ombudspersons form an independent body which was created by the Senate. Prof. Dr. Georg Bitter is ombudsman, his deputy is Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Cremer.