Upon Your Successful Application

Your application for a placement at one of our partner universities was successful?

Congratulations! Before going abroad, you have to complete the registration process at your host university. We are happy to assist you! On this website you find all relevant information and the quick access to the Mobility-Online portal.

Access to the Mobility-Online portal

  • Nomination at and admission to the host university

    You have already received a confirmation of your placement at one of our partner universities. To be able to take this placement, you are only missing the official admission by your host university.

    You just need to complete two more steps in order to be admitted. First, we will register, or “nominate”, you at the host university on behalf of the University of Mannheim. Afterwards, you will usually need to compile and submit a number of documents again. This application for admission at the host university is generally just a formality. If you submit your complete application in due time, you are very likely to be admitted to your host university as an exchange student. It is very rare that any issues arise that may keep you from going abroad. The University of Mannheim will assist you during the entire process. If there are any problems, get in touch with your advisor at the International Office.

    • We will inform you on the nomination and the application process at your host university in due time via e-mail.
    • You are not sure if you have received an e-mail containing this information? You can always check on the status of your application on the Mobility-Online platform.
    • The following documents are commonly requested by host universities: the university’s application form, your preliminary course selection, a current transcript of records, a copy of a current ID or passport.
    • You are welcome to prepare for this process! Please read the documents provided in the download section of the Mobility-Online platform.They contain information on the next steps and important matters such as insurance, visa, booking flights, finding housing and many more.

    The Erasmus code of the University of Mannheim is: D MANNHEI01 . If you are going abroad to a partner university within the EU you might need that code for your application or your learning agreement.

  • Selecting courses and recognition of examinations and coursework

    In the next weeks, you should find out about the courses offered at your host university. Some host universities already want to know which courses you would like to take when applying for admission. An important factor for choosing courses is which ones can be recognized by the University of Mannheim. Further information on how to go about selecting courses can be found here. For advice, please contact your departmental exchange coordinator. They can also help you with the signatures for the Learning Agreements.

  • Letters of Recommendation

    Some host universities require a letter of recommendation to be submitted enclosed with the application. Should your host university require a recommendation, please have it written by your school.

    Please only ask for a letter of recommendation if we have asked you to do so.

    Letter of Recommendation template: The chairs can also request the letter of recommendation template from us in MS Word format.

  • Translation services

    If the application procedure at your host university requires you to submit a notarized translation of certain documents (e.g. diploma), you can contact the translation service of the Studium Generale or use the database of translators and interpreters. Here you can find certified translators who are authorized to prepare notarized translations.

  • Scholarships and financing

    Certainly, you thought about how to finance your stay abroad even before applying. At the time you receive your admission, some deadlines for applying for a scholarship might have lapsed already; yet, there are certainly still some scholarships and other financing options that might be relevant for you. The application deadlines for scholarships such as PROMOS or the Baden-Württemberg-Stipendium are a good example. All future Erasmus students will be informed on how to apply for Erasmus funding for European exchange programs in due time.

  • Country-specific funding and support

    Depending on the host country, there are country-specific funding options available in addition to the regular scholarships. Further information can be found here. In this section, we have compiled further useful information on some countries and regions.

  • Reports on experiences abroad

    If your are looking for information and tips regarding your particular host university please read the reports of former students that are listed in our database of partner universities.

    To submit your own report of your experiences abroad please log on to the Mobility-Online Portal.

    Bachelor students are welcome to write their report in German or English. Due to the growing number of English-taught Master degrees we would like to encourage all Master students to write their report in English.

    Please note the deadlines:

    • Deadline for students who were abroad in Fall: 31 March
    • Deadline for students who were abroad in Spring: 15 August

    You will need a 'Confirmation of handing in the Experience Report' in order to get your grades from abroad transferred to Mannheim.

  • Getting in touch through the ABSOLVENTUM Mannheim regional groups

    With more than 50 regional groups in 20 different countries, the Mannheim alumni network ABSOLVENTUM offers the opportunity to get in touch with students from Mannheim on site. For more information please visit the ABSOLVENTUM website.

  • Extending your stay abroad

    An extension of your stay from the fall to the spring semester is only possible in exceptional cases and in consultation with the International Office and your department. Please let us know early on.

    The University of Mannheim can only agree to an extension if the number of placements available for the next years is unaffected.

    An extension of your stay from the spring to the fall semester is absolutely not possible for stays abroad in Europe and the Overseas North region. In exceptional cases it could be possible to extend a stay abroad from the spring to the falls semester in the Overseas South region.

    If an extension of your stay abroad is not possible you could ask your host university if it is possible to extend your stay abroad as a free mover. Another possibility could be an internship abroad after your semester is over.

  • Canceling your stay abroad

    Please immediately inform the International Office (nominations-OUTmail-uni-mannheim.de) and your respective departmental exchange coordinator at the University of Mannheim should you not be able to start on your stay abroad. We will see to the cancellation of your placement at the host university. A stay abroad can only be canceled due to valid reasons. In addition to personal problems, these include, for example, crises such as the Corona pandemic. For such reasons, you can of course withdraw from your exchange at any time. Please feel free to ask the study abroad advisor responsible for your country for advice.

  • Have a look on the Study Abroad websites of your school

Rahel Habteab hat schwarze mittellange Haare und lächelt. Sie trägt eine weiße Bluse und steht vor dem Schloss auf dem Ehrenhof.

My semester abroad was an all-around success. Apart from the opportunity to advance academically with the help of new teaching methods, I was also able to expand my intercultural knowledge. Working with other international students opened new perspectives for me. I was also able to expand my international network, which brings new friendship and academic advantages with it.

Rahel Habteab, student in the bachelor’s program in Culture and Economy: English and American Studies, Maynooth University (Ireland) / Credit: Ye Fung Tchen
Annika Freitag trägt ein dunkelblaues Oberteil mit weißen Punkten sowie eine schwarze rundliche Brille. Sie trägt einen Bob, hat dunkelblondes Haar und lächelt.

Thanks to my Erasmus semester in Utrecht, I was given the chance to live in a storybook country for five months. Small brick houses decorated with pretty gables, romantic canals and bicycles wherever you look. Having been spoiled by the view of the Schloss Mannheim, I could still get enthusiastic about the charm of Utrecht University. Even Napoleon’s brother studied in the university’s library. Back in Mannheim, I am not only a proud owner of a roadster bicycle but also speak Dutch now.

Annika Freitag, student in the master’s program in Culture and Economy: Spanish Studies, Utrecht University (The Netherlands) / Credit: Ye Fung Tchen
Fanni Szente hat braunes langes Haar und trägt eine weiße Bluse mit einer rosa Weste.Sie lächelt.

The semester abroad is one of the greatest gifts the University of Mannheim could have given me. I had the opportunity to spend one semester at a partner university in Valencia. I got to step out of my comfort zone, experience many new things and grow both personally and academically in an international atmosphere. Thanks to the variety of nationalities among international students, I could not only experience Spanish culture but also many others and broaden my horizon. After my semester abroad, I feel like I’ve found a “home” in another corner of the world.

Fanni Szente, student in the bachelor’s program in Business Administration, Universitat de Valencia (Spain) / Credit: Ye Fung Tchen


Christian Frey

Christian Frey (he/him)

Nomination and Application Procedures (Canada, USA, Israel and Europe w/o Portugal and Spain)
University of Mannheim
Division II – Student Affairs
International Office
L 1, 1 – Room 104
68161 Mannheim
Office hours:
Working from home every Monday, Thursday and Friday; available only via E-Mail on these days.
Louisa Tsouvallas

Louisa Tsouvallas (she/her)

Study Abroad, Bilateral Agreements and Nomination/Application Procedures (Asia, Africa, AUS, NZ)
Working from home every Monday, Friday as well as Wednesdays in even calendar weeks; available only via E-Mail on these days.
University of Mannheim
Division II – Student Affairs
International Office
L 1, 1 – Room 102
68161 Mannheim
Vania Fundinger-Sawant

Vania Fundinger-Sawant (she/her)

Auslandsstudienberatung, Austauschverträge und Anmeldeverfahren (Portugal, Spanien, Lateinamerika)
University of Mannheim
Division II – Student Affairs
International Office
L 1, 1 – Room 102
68161 Mannheim
Office hours:
Working from home every Wednesday and Thursday; available only via E-Mail on these days.