Drei Personen sitzen um einen Tisch. Eine Person hält einen Kugelschreiber in der Hand und erklärt ein Formular.

Insurance and Internship Agreements

After you have received confirmation of your internship abroad, there are still a number of things you need to be aware of in terms of insurance and your internship agreement. Regarding health insurance, you should take out an additional policy, as regular health insurance does not provide the necessary coverage. As to internship agreements, in some countries, these contracts require the signature of the university in addition to your signature and that of your employer. Please have internship agreements of that kind reviewed by the International Office.

  • Insurance

    As soon as you have successfully applied for an internship abroad, you should take care of sufficient insurance coverage. Seek advice from your insurance provider. Statutory health insurance does not provide sufficient coverage and employers abroad rarely offer insurance that also covers accidents at work, for example. This is why you should take out the following policies to ensure complete coverage for the duration of your internship:

    •  travel abroad health insurance
    • accident insurance (for example for accidents at the workplace)
    • private liability insurance (for example for damage you cause at the workplace)

    If you want to apply for Erasmus funding for internships, you have to provide proof of these policies with your application.

    Within Europe, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) covers most medical costs. You still need travel abroad health insurance, since some costs, such as costs for medical repatriation, will not be covered by statutory health insurance. Please keep in mind that regular travel insurance that you would use for short trips or vacation usually does not cover internships. Outside of Europe, you will always need private travel abroad health insurance, since statutory health insurance will not provide coverage there.

    Recommendation: Group insurance offered by the DAAD

    Students who apply for funding through the ERASMUS internship program or are DAAD scholarship recipients can take out the DAAD group insurance (even if the Erasmus application is denied). Information on the DAAD website (Tarif 720) can also be used for a first orientation in order to compare policies offered by different insurance providers.

  • Internship agreements abroad: Convention de stage, Convencio de prácticas

    Especially French and Spanish employers often require the internship agreement to be signed not only by the company and the intern but also by the home university as well.

    If this is the case, please contact Ms Wittenberg at the International Office.

    Please note: These internship agreements often also include insurance issues, since the insurance regulations for students in the respective countries often differ from those in Germany. The University of Mannheim has to ensure that the agreement does not contain any clauses obligating the University of Mannheim to cover possible insurance claims for you. If such clauses do exists, the agreement must be amended to the effect that you confirm having arranged for sufficient insurance coverage for the internship yourself.

    If you receive an agreement template from your employer, please forward it to Ms Wittenberg via e-mail for review. We can also provide you with a template.

More information

Zwei junge Studentinnen lächeln und unterhalten sich in der Ehrenhof- Bibliothek.
Finding an internship

We provide useful tips and links to internship offers to help you find an internship abroad.

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Financial support

Internships are not always well-paid. Financial support for internships is available through different programs, for example the Erasmus program for internships within Europe.

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Internships at schools

There are interesting internship programs at schools providing prospective teachers the opportunity to become acquainted with another education system. Of course, you can also organize a stay by yourself.