Auf einem Tisch liegt ein Stapel mit sechs Büchern.

Passing Your Examinations

Whether you need to give a presentation, write a term paper or take a written exam – no matter if online or on campus: We have compiled information for every type of examination to support you in preparing for your exams. You are also welcome to attend one of our courses.

Tip: The e-learning course on studying from home helps you to develop strategies for efficient and effective learning activities for virtual courses.
Click here to join the course

Term paper

Additional information and courses

  • Successful research

    New at the library? Guided tours of the University Library

    What does the library offer? Where can I find the books relevant to my subject and how do I use the electronic media? Where can I scan, print, and copy? Which study rooms and services are available?
    To the guides tours

  • Self-management

    Icon calendar page

    Time management

    In this module, you will learn more about time management, self-control, learning plans, and various planning methods.
    Click here to join the ILIAS course

    Working conditions

    In this module, you will learn more about disruptions to your work, how to create ideal working conditions, and plan your breaks, for example.
    Click here to join the ILIAS course

Oral examination

Rhetoric and presentation

In an oral examination, you will discuss specific topics or important aspects of a course with the examiners. You are expected to reproduce what you have learned and explain relevant interrelationships. It is therefore essential to be well prepared. In our ILIAS module, we have compiled information and tips on the various contents of oral examinations, e.g., on the contents of lectures, the oral defense of a thesis or case studies.
Click here to get to the ILIAS module on oral examinations

Learning to learn – passing exams
The „Lernen lernen – Prüfungsvorbereitung“ workshop on learning how to study and preparing for exams has been designed to show you how to structure your study period to make learning more efficient. Increase your success in studying by applying the tips on time management, keeping a study journal, study breaks, and study methods.
Click here to join the course

Additional information and courses

Open-book exam

Open-book exam

What is an open-book exam?
During an open-book exam, you may use specific materials, as defined and approved by your examiner(s). Such materials may include your notes or books. Your teacher will assess your knowledge by requesting you to complete action-oriented or competence-oriented tasks requiring you to transfer your knowledge. In our ILIAS module, you will find useful tips for preparing your exams in general as well as information on how to prepare for open-book exams, in particular. Moreover, we have compiled additional information on the technical requirements and current formats (take-home exams vs. online open-book exams) of virtual exams at the University of Mannheim.
Click here to get to the ILIAS module on open-book exams

Learning to learn – passing exams
The „Lernen lernen – Prüfungsvorbereitung“ workshop on learning how to study and preparing for exams has been designed to show you how to structure your study period to make learning more efficient. Increase your success in studying by applying the tips on time management, keeping a study journal, study breaks, and study methods.
Click here to join the course

Additional information and courses

In-person exam

Everything you need to know about in-person exams

Be well prepared for the exam period
During an in-person exam, you may be asked about facts but may also be required to transfer knowledge to new contexts. Generally, no resources are available. In our ILIAS module, you will learn how to best prepare for your in-person exam and which strategies you can use for your exam preparation.
Click here to get to the ILIAS module on in-person exams

Crash course on exam preparation
In this course on exam preparation, you will learn more about study-life balance, how to cope with distracting cognition and general exam design.
Click here to join the course

Learning to learn – passing exams
The „Lernen lernen – Prüfungsvorbereitung“ workshop on learning how to study and preparing for exams has been designed to show you how to structure your study period to make learning more efficient. Increase your success in studying by applying the tips on time management, keeping a study journal, study breaks, and study methods.
Click here to join the course

Additional information and courses


Successful presentations

For a presentation, you will have to prepare a topic or a problem in such a way that you can present it to your fellow students and your teacher in a structured way. In the Studium Generale courses, you will get useful tips and information on how to prepare for presentations and how you can demonstrate your Powerpoint skills when presenting.

Click here to get to the communication courses (Studium Generale)

Click here to get to the IT courses (Studium Generale)

Additional information and courses

  • Successful research

    New at the library? Guided tours of the University Library

    What does the library offer? Where can I find the books relevant to my subject and how do I use the electronic media? Where can I scan, print, and copy? Which study rooms and services are available?
    To the guides tours

  • Self-management

    Icon calendar page

    Time management

    In this module, you will learn more about time management, self-control, learning plans, and various planning methods.
    Click here to join the ILIAS course

    Working conditions

    In this module, you will learn more about disruptions to your work, how to create ideal working conditions, and plan your breaks, for example.
    Click here to join the ILIAS course

Video or film project

Finding the right equipment

If you need to make a video or film project for your course or seminar, finding the right equipment is crucial. On the following pages, you will find information on the university’s support services, such as borrowing media and media editing stations as well as information on workshops and media courses.

Information on the media editing stations

Information on media courses

Additional information and courses