Internships Abroad

Internships abroad are a great alternative to studying abroad. You have the opportunity to gain practical experience while living in an intercultural environment. This is why prospective employers appreciate an internship abroad in your CV.

Zwei junge Studentinnen lächeln und unterhalten sich in der Ehrenhof- Bibliothek.
Finding an internship

We provide useful tips and links to internship offers to help you find an internship abroad.

Financial support

Internships are not always well-paid. Financial support for internships is available through different programs, for example the Erasmus program for internships within Europe.

Ein Mann zeigt Hält einen Globus in seiner Hand und zeigt auf ein Land. Vier Kinder schauen ihm interessiert dabei zu.
Internships at schools

There are interesting internship programs at schools providing prospective teachers the opportunity to become acquainted with another education system. Of course, you can also organize a stay by yourself.

Drei Personen sitzen um einen Tisch. Eine Person hält einen Kugelschreiber in der Hand und erklärt ein Formular.
Insurance and internship agreements

Find out more about the most important insurance issues regarding your internship. Also see this section if the university needs to be involved in your internship agreement.

Nikol Toteva hat dunkelbraune Haare, welche sie in einem Zopf trägt. Sie trägt eine Sonnenbrille, einen weißes T-Shirt mit dunkelblauen Punkten und eine Rucksack. Im Hintergrund sind Palmen zu sehen.

I had the opportunity to do an internship at the language institute Alpha.b in Nice, France. Several years ago, I was there as a language student myself and therefore I thought it was a good idea to spend some months on the Côte d’Azur. The internship was also a good addition to my Romance Studies program. It was a very valuable experience. My French skills have improved and I really enjoyed working in an international setting. I was given many responsible tasks and was thus able to get to know the French culture and way of doing things by working independently. I liked the environment and way of life in Nice so much that I have decided to move and live there after I have completed my studies.

Nikol Toteva, graduate of the master’s program in History, Romance Studies, Nice (France) / Credit: Privat

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