A person with painted nails is holding a tablet.


Thank you for your interest in spending a stay abroad at the University of Mannheim.
Now it is time to officially enroll at the university. Please note that you will need to enroll online. On this page, we explain how students with European citizenship and those without should proceed.

You need the following:

You must complete the above steps in your Mobility Online Workflow.

  • Payment of the semester fee of the Studierendenwerk. You simply have to transfer your semester fee. As soon as we have received your payment, we will have the corresponding proof of your enrollment.
  • Confirmation of disenrollment by a German university if you were previously enrolled at a German university. If this applies to you, please send us the certificate of disenrollment by e-mail to incomings@uni-mannheim.de.

How-to: For exchange students with EU citizenship

How-to: For all other exchange students

After enrollment

After enrollment, you will be sent a welcome letter containing your student ID number as well as further information on obtaining your ecUM. The ecUM is the student and library ID of the University of Mannheim. You can download your official enrollment certificate from Portal² in the week following enrollment.

You should then take a look at the “To Dos after Enrollment”, which you can find in the Portal² InfoCockpit.


Josephine Bourke

Josephine Bourke (she/her)

Admissions Officer for International Exchange Students
University of Mannheim
Division II – Student Affairs
International Office
L 1, 1 – Room 110
68161 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181-1123
Fax: +49 621 181-1161
E-mail: josephine.bourkemail-uni-mannheim.de
Office hours:
Out of the office on Mondays; Working from home every Thursday and Friday; on these two days you can reach me via email only.