Economic and Business Education

Program ambassador

Hi, I’m Valentina and I’ve been enrolled in Economic and Business Education at the University of Mannheim since the fall semester 2019. Both before and during your studies, many questions may arise and decisions have to be made. You can always contact me and I’ll support you in meeting these challenges.

Valentina Vogt, program ambassador for the program in Economic and Business Education

Why I chose this program

The program in Economic and Business Education provides you with the opportunity to pursue a career in the economy or to become a teacher.

In the bachelor's program, you learn the basics of economics and business administration. Throughout the program, you will focus on business administration and have courses in ginance, accounting, and marketing. In the area of economic and business education you have courses that are relevant for both teaching at schools and working for companies. For example, you will learn more about the official regulations on education and continuing education. From the fifth semester on, you can also choose an elective subject, for example, History, English, or Business Informatics. During the master’s program you extend your business and pedagogical knowledge, and improve your skills in your elective subject. 

As you can see, the program offers you a wide range of interesting topics. It is a versatile program that teaches you many different methods in a variety of subjects.

Studying at the University of Mannheim

  • What’s special about the program?

    I decided to study at the University of Mannheim because it has a good international reputation and many years of experience in research and teaching. I’m particularly delighted with the individual supervision of students and the support we get from the different departments. What's more, the campus is located in a beautiful baroque palace in the city center.

    From the fifth semester on, you can choose an elective subject. Once you’re a teacher, the elective subject is the second subject you will teach in addition to the economic subjects. You can choose from around 15 subjects. That makes Mannheim the university offering the largest number of elective subjects. For example, you can take science courses such as biology, political science, languages like Italian or English, economic geography, or business informatics. Some courses are offered in collaboration with the University of Heidelberg.

  • Extracurricular activities

    Besides their studies, students can do many things at the University of Mannheim. The university offers numerous cultural events, a variety of sports, and great student organizations where you can participate and share your ideas on different topics.

    The departmental student committee for Economic and Business Education is a group of students from all semesters which deals with the subject-specific concerns of their fellow students. It also organizes different leisure activities, such as the welcome weekends for first-year students or the famous parties in the Schneckenhof.

After graduation

  • Further study

    After the bachelor’s you can also do a master’s program. The master’s degree allows you start the preparatory service (Referendariat) at vocational schools. Apart from working at schools, you can do many other things depending on your interests. For example, you could work in the HR department of a company.

  • Career opportunities

    After completing your bachelor’s you can also start a career immediately. There is a high demand for graduates of Economic and Business Education both at schools and in companies.

What you need to know

  • Frequently asked questions

    Worried about math? In the first two semesters you’ll be taking mathematics courses. But don’t worry: if you prepare well you will pass the exams. If it’s been a while since you’ve been to school you can take pre-courses in math and refresh your knowledge at the start of the first semester.

  • Study abroad

    During both the bachelor’s and the master’s program you get the chance to study abroad. The University of Mannheim has various partner universities all around the world where you can study without having to pay any additional tuition fees. However, if you go abroad it may take you longer to finish your studies.

Further information

Would you like to learn more about the program in Economic and Business Education at the University of Mannheim?
Then have a look at the program descriptions:

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Program ambassador for Economic and Business Education
University of Mannheim
Program ambassadors of the University of Mannheim