Bachelor's Program in Political Science

Program ambassador

My name is Mila and I have been studying Political Science and Public Law as minor since the fall/winter semester 2022. I am happy to help you with any question you may have about the program.

Mila Revink, Program Ambassador for the bachelor's program in Political Science

Why I chose this program

The program in Political Science is very versatile because it looks at a variety of topics. During our studies we focus on finding explanations for political behavior (such as voting behavior or political attitudes), analyzing different political systems (for example, party systems and forms of government) as well as understanding international relations. We establish theories and hypotheses—that is assumptions about the correlations we expect to discover. Then we try to validate these empirically, usually on the basis of survey data or data gathered over the course of several decades.

If you would like to know why some people tend to vote for populist parties, why a world with nuclear weapons is(n’t) a safe world, and why people in the USA show very different voting behaviors, the program in Political Science is just the thing for you.

Studying at the University of Mannheim

  • What’s special about the program?

    The classes in Political Science are relatively small. There are few students in the courses, which makes for a pleasant learning environment and good supervision. At the University of Mannheim, we receive a first-class education in statistics. We acquire knowledge you wouldn't gain at other universities. The teachers are leading, international political scientists and therefore ensure that the courses are of excellent quality. If you plan to spend a semester abroad you get to choose from a list of partner universities from all around the world. Apart from the subject-specific advantages, we also benefit from the great support the dean's office provides. The contact persons there are ready to help you with any matters concerning your program, a semester abroad, and internship opportunities. That's why the social sciences at the University of Mannheim are at the very top of the prestigious CHE ranking. As there are several social research institutes in Mannheim, research and teaching are closely linked. That way we benefit from both the practical relevance of our program and the plenty opportunities we get for applying our knowledge as research assistants or interns.

  • Extracurricular activities

    As a student in Mannheim you will also be able to enjoy a rich student life: you can do many different sports, explore culture and music, and go to the legendary open-air Schneckenhof parties that take place every Thursday in the summer. If you would like to do voluntary work you can join one or more of over 50 student organizations, political student groups, and the departmental student committee.

After graduation

  • Further study

    Of course, you can also do a master's, such as the University of Mannheim’s program in Political Science, which is exclusively taught in English. With a master’s degree you may go on to pursue a doctorate and start an academic career.

  • Career opportunities

    After graduation we're offered plenty career opportunities. Many political scientists go into market and opinion research, public relations, or journalism. Graduates may also enter the worlds of international organizations and associations, public administrations, and consultancies. The internship office and the internship database support students in the search for internships and entry positions on the job market.

What you need to know

  • Competences

    Mathematics and English: thinking about these two subjects shouldn’t let your hair stand on end. As the focus is on statistics, it's useful to have a basic understanding of mathematics—but don’t worry, it’s not rocket science. You should also be able to read and understand English texts because around 90 percent of the literature is in English, and, as the university is very international, some courses are held in English as well.

    Endless reading: be prepared for reading a great number of texts throughout your studies. Reading should therefore bring you (at least some) joy.

  • Clichés

    Political scientists debate a lot. This cliché is quite right. As the classes are small we get many opportunities to discuss politics. If you like participating in debates, the wide range of seminars and the small share of lectures is perfect for you. Only teacher-centered teaching? Not here!

Further information

Would you like to learn more about the program in Political Science at the University of Mannheim?
Then have a look at the program descriptions:

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Program ambassador for the bachelor's program in Political Science with a minor in Economics