Master's Program in Business Informatics

Program ambassador

Hey, I’m Marcel-René and I’ve been enrolled in the master’s program in Business Informatics at the University of Mannheim since the fall semester 2019. I previously studied in a cooperative study program and was curious to see whether I made the right decision. That’s why I’m particularly happy to support you if you’re feeling uncertain.

Marcel-René Wepper, program ambassador for the master’s program in Business Informatics

Studying at the University of Mannheim

  • What’s special about the program?

    The master’s program in Business Informatics is taught in English and offers you the opportunity to specialize in many different areas. In the area of information technologies, you can choose courses on current topics, such as Machine Learning, Data Science, Image Processing, Software Engineering, and many more.

    In addition to IT, you will also learn more about business administration. At the University of Mannheim, it’s a huge advantage that we can take courses from the Mannheim Master in Management program. In this way we can benefit from excellent teaching and the good reputation of the business administration programs.

    Since all courses are taught in English, we immediately learn the relevant technical terms and have discussions in English. That’s a major advantage when starting your career, in particular if your goal is to work abroad.

  • Extracurricular activities

    You can pursue your interests and devote yourself to different topics in various student organizations and the departmental student committee. For example, you can join political groups, young start-ups, or sing in the university choir.

    Mannheim is an attractive city in terms of culture and party, with numerous museums, theaters, clubs, and bars. Moreover, the Institute of Sports offers a wide range of sports. You get the chance to not only watch ice hockey or soccer games but also play yourself. Every student has the opportunity to try different sports and discover their own talents.

After graduation

  • Academia

    With a master's degree you can pursue a doctorate and start a career in academia.

  • Career opportunities

    The master's degree also opens all doors in the economy for you. Graduates of Business Informatics can gain access to different sectors, for example as consultants, programmers, or data scientists. Climbing the corporate ladder is also very likely. As the program is in English, you can also pursue an international career.

Further information

Would you like to learn more about the program in Business Informatics at the University of Mannheim?
Then have a look at the program descriptions:

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Program ambassador for the master's program in Business Informatics