Good Doctoral Supervision

The University of Mannheim has put together a list of important guides, documents and contact persons to ensure that, as a supervisor, you are in the best position to support your doctoral candidates.

Good to Know

Ombudspersons at the University of Mannheim mediate between doctoral candidates and their supervisors if disagreements arise.  Find out more about good research practice at the University of Mannheim.


Nadine Bradt, M.A.

Nadine Bradt, M.A.

Support of Early-Stage Researchers
Überfachliche Förderung und Beratung von Promovierenden
University of Mannheim
Division I – Research Services and Quality Management
L 1, 1 – Room 326
68161 Mannheim
Office hours:
Mon-Thu 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.