Support for the Victims of the Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
We want to draw your attention to the aid campaign organized by the City of Mannheim: Together with the organization “Mannheim hilft ohne Grenzen” the City of Mannheim encourages people to donate for the victims of the earthquake. An account for donations has been set up. The Mannheim hilft ohne Grenzen organization is the holder of the account: Mannheim hilft ohne Grenzen e.V. at the VR Bank Rhein-Neckar eG, IBAN: DE23 6709 0000 0095 9221 04, BIC: GENODE61MA2, Reference „Erdbeben“.
Further information on the website of the city (in German)
As an alternative, we recommend the following organizations who will take your donations: Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe, UN refugee aid, UNICEF, CARITAS, Bündnis Aktion Deutschland hilft, German Red Cross, White Helmets, Molham Team, or Save the Children.
Do you need psychological counseling or advice?
Students may contact the Psychological Counseling Services of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim. First point of contact:
Secretary's office (Ms. Kraft / Ms. Heydenreich)
Phone: +49 621 49072–555
Staff members can contact the psychological counseling services at the Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity:
Ute Pfründer
Phone: +49 621 181-2529
Counseling at the university
For therapy requests, students and staff members can contact the mental health clinic (Psychologische Ambulanz) of the Otto Selz Institute at the University of Mannheim.