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How Is Digitalization Changing Our Society?

Findings from the state-wide research project digilog@bw are being published on a special blog.

Digitalization is now part of our world. But how is it changing our lives and society? The research project digilog@bw was launched in 2019 to answer that question. Researchers from eight university and non-university institutions from right across Baden-Württemberg spent three years investigating the effects of digitalization on individuals and society. The project comprised 20 subprojects spanning a range of disciplines and was coordinated by the University of Mannheim. It has come to a conclusion for now, though efforts are underway to extend it. During the project, participating researchers published their findings on a blog, which is still being updated.  

Mannheim’s Prof. Sabine Sonnentag (Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology) and Julia Iser studied how workers use digital workplace technologies in other areas of their lives, how they divide up those different areas, and what use they make of the options they have available to them.  

In another project, Prof. Ralf Müller-Terpitz (Chair of Public Law, Law of Economic Regulation, and Media) looked at what legal regulations could or should be put in place to make algorithmic decision-making processes more transparent. Google, Instagram, TikTok, and other big tech companies currently dominate the spread of information due to their extensive reach, and the information displayed to their users is controlled by algorithms. 

Text: Katja Bauer/May 2023

Icon: letter ‘i’ surrounded by a circle

More findings from the research project are still being published on the blog under the hashtag #OutputDigilog: https://digilog-bw.de/blog