Vier Studierende sitzen an einem Tisch und lachen. Eine Studentin schreibt etwas auf ein Tablet. Vor ihnen steht ein Mann im Anzug und schaut auch auf das Tablet.


The InnoMA is happy to assist you, whether you need support to develop a new digital teaching concept for your course or to help you implement an existing digital teaching project. 

For financial and administrative matters, please contact Marina Friedrich-Schieback. 

For questions regarding teaching excellence and the use of technology, please contact Ute Hager and Andreas Reitzig. 

For questions about the scientific evaluation process, please contact Sabrina Navratil and Samuel Wissel. 

Please feel free to contact us by email or on MS Teams. 

Marina Friedrich-Schieback, M.Sc.

Marina Friedrich-Schieback, M.Sc. (she/her)

Project manager InnoMA
University of Mannheim
Teaching and Learning Center
L 9, 6 – Raum 007
68161 Mannheim
Ute Hager, M.A.

Ute Hager, M.A.

Staff member InnoMA
University of Mannheim
Teaching and Learning Center
L 9, 6 – Raum 008
68161 Mannheim
Andreas Reitzig, Ph.D.

Andreas Reitzig, Ph.D.

Staff member InnoMA
University of Mannheim
Teaching and Learning Center
Schloss – Raum ZEO 093
68161 Mannheim
Dr. Sabrina Navratil

Dr. Sabrina Navratil

Academic staff member
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
Schloss – Room EO082
68161 Mannheim
Samuel Wissel, M.Sc.

Samuel Wissel, M.Sc.

Academic staff member
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
A 5, 6
Bauteil B – Room B 207
68159 Mannheim