A caregiving situation often occurs unexpectedly in life. It turns your everyday life upside down and represents a challenge for you and your relatives. Because care is often associated with a great deal of psychological and physical stress. It can work with professional advice, help and support.
Understanding the flood of information in such a situation is a double burden. We offer you an introduction to the topic with the following information and basic information.
Practice guide caregiving
Emergency folder
Care support centers
You can either get advice directly from the University of Mannheim or go to one of the following nursing support centers:
(These last three links are only in German language avaible)
Further helpful information on the subject of “caregiving” with a focus on Mannheim can be found under the following links:
Services Authority of the City of Mannheim
Caregiving support centers of the city of Mannheim
Caritas Association Mannheim: “Offers for seniors”
Diakonisches Werk Mannheim: “Older people”
(These links are only in German language avaible)
Further general links
You are responsible for the care of a relative. Here you will find further information and help.
Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
The Caregiving Phone: quick help for relatives (only in German language avaible)