Gender Equality in Appointment Procedures

A professor has a lot of responsibility when it comes to selecting staff members. These decisions don’t just affect the respective chair. Being involved in appointment procedures and deciding on future university employees has a lasting effect on the quality of the research and teaching carried out at the university. That’s why the University of Mannheim has created information, in German, relating specifically to appointment procedures:

Guide to appointment procedures at the University of Mannheim (Intranet, in German)

Information on gender equality in appointment procedures from LAKOG

Further impulses for equal opportunities in appointment procedures:

Anti-Bias-Training in appointment procedures at the University of Heidelberg

Self-test on biases by Harvard University

LaKoG handout “Fair Appeal Procedures”

If you have any questions on gender equality in appointment procedures, please contact the Central Equal Opportunity Commissioner Prof. Dr. Astrid Lembke at


Prof. Dr. Astrid Lembke

Prof. Dr. Astrid Lembke

Central Equal Opportunity Commissioner
University of Mannheim
Philosophische Fakultät
Seminar für Deutsche Philologie
Germanistische Mediävistik
L 10 11-12 – Room 115
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
On appointment
Sabine Kußmaul

Sabine Kußmaul (she/her)

Head of the Department of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
University of Mannheim
Department of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
B 6, 30–32 – Room 020
68159 Mannheim