President's Office

The President's Office is the University of Mannheim’s central governing body. It consists of the President, the Executive Vice President, and four Vice Presidents who also hold other positions at the university. The strategic development of the university is a core responsibility of the President’s Office. To this end, it works with the University Supervisory Board to define strategic objectives and future plans, and, after consulting with the Senate and the deans, implements the necessary measures.

The team of the President’s Office consists of the following departments: Coordination of Committees and Bodies, Communications, and Marketing.

Team of the President's Office

Prof. Dr. Thomas Fetzer hat kurze graue Haare. Er trägt ein dunkelblaues Jackett und ein hellblaues Hemd.

Professor Thomas Fetzer, LL.M. (Vanderbilt)

Executive Vice President

Dr. Katrin Schoppa-Bauer

Prof. Dr. Moritz Fleischmann hat graue Haare und einen Schnauzer. Er trägt ein dunkles Jackett und ein gestreiftes Hemd.
Professor Moritz Fleischmann

Vice President for Sustainability and International Affairs

Frau Prof. Jutta Mata hat graue halblange Haare, sie trägt eine braune Brille und einen grauen Blazer.
Professor Jutta Mata

Vice President for Research and Career Paths in Academia

Prof. Dr. Heiko Paulheim trägt eine dunkle Brille und ein dunkles Hemd, er hat eine Glatze, einen dunklen Bart und Ohrringe.
Professor Heiko Paulheim

Vice President for Digitalization, Equal Opportunity and Diversity

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Ruhe trägt eine weiße Bluse und hat kurze Haare.
Professor Cornelia Ruhe

Vice President for Student Affairs and Teaching

Bulletin of the President’s Office | Constitution of the University of Mannheim