Eine Band sitzt auf Stühlen und spielt Blasinstrumente. Das Saxophon und die Hände des Saxophonisten sind scharf im Vordergrund, die anderen Instrumente unscharf im Hintergrund.

College Jazz Orchestra

Big band of the University of Mannheim

The big band of the University of Mannheim, known as the College Jazz Orchestra, consists of 20 musicians and offers a comprehensive program which is renewed and extended every semester. The head of the big band is Jochen Welsch. In addition to big band classics by Count Basie, Duke Ellington, and Peter Herbolzheimer, the band’s repertoire also includes swing compositions from film and pop music, as well as funk songs by Tower of Power. The musicians are mostly students of the university, but some graduates are also part of the band.

Eine Bigband spielt auf einer Bühne.Vor ihnen ist der Dirigent von hinten zu sehen, im Vordergrund sitzt Publikum.
About Us

Learn more about the big band of the University of Mannheim, director Jochen Welsch, and singer Stefan Ebert.