Ein Mensch in schicker Kleidung tippt auf einem Laptop.

Application Process

Since the fall semester 2021, teachers at the University of Mannheim have regularly had the opportunity to apply for funding from the “Innovative Digital Teaching” fund. Besides financial support, projects selected for funding also receive support with queries related to teaching excellence and the use of technology to facilitate the implementation of projects. Projects are also scientifically evaluated.

The current call for applications will take place between 27 March and 5 May 2024. Below, you will find the call for proposals and the application forms. Please send the completed application form by 5 May to: innomamail-uni-mannheim.de

Attend our events and take advantage of our advisory services to find out more about the fund and discuss your ideas and questions!

In addition to our call for applications and a call for applications for international teaching projects from our colleagues at ENGAGE.EU, we will be offering various events.


The following document contains information about the application prerequisites as well as the application and selection procedures in this call for applications:

For each of the three lots, there is a separate application form. Here, you can find the corresponding documents:

Please send us an email at InnoMAmail-uni-mannheim.de to request an English language copy of the “Framework for quality development in digitally supported teaching and learning in higher education,” a document that is particularly relevant for lot 3 applications for funding.

More information

Auf einem weißen Tisch liegt ein Formular. Ein Mitarbeitender hält es mit einer Hand fest und hält in der anderen Hand einen Kugelschreiber. Gegenüber sitzen zwei Personen, die ihre Arme auf dem Tisch abgelegt haben.
Application requirements

Find out what to consider in your application.

Vier Studierende sitzen an einem Tisch und lachen. Eine Studentin schreibt etwas auf ein Tablet. Vor ihnen steht ein Mann im Anzug und schaut auch auf das Tablet.

Individual advice and support for your project.

Eine Person hält ein aufgeschlagenes Gesetzbuch in beiden Händen. Darunter liegt eine blaue Mappe. Auf dieser Mappe steht das Wort Bewerbung.
Selection process

How we decide on grant applications.