
Founders: Dr. rer. pol. Werner Hopf and Mrs. Antonie, née Reinold (d.)

Foundation council:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Rausch (Chair of the Foundation Council)
Prof. Dr. Annette Kehnel (Vice President)
Joachim Lutz (Dean)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Dickhäuser
Prof. Dr. Dirk Ifenthaler

Purpose of the foundation

Promotion of science in the field of business and vocational education at the University of Mannheim. Giving awards for final theses completed by students of the School of Humanities, awarding scholarships to students and graduates, and providing financial support for research projects or similar projects. In particular, theses and research projects in the following areas are to be promoted: educational research with a practical orientation, didactic teaching in commercial education in view of the demands of professional life, research on adult education and impulses for the target groups and target objects which Prof. Dr. Barbara Hopf was no longer able to address, but which are mentioned in her publications.

Application process:
Applications have to be submitted via Professor Rausch to the foundation council.

Website: Chair of Prof. Rausch