Preis für Sprache und Wissenschaft
Recognition of doctoral dissertations and habilitations that not only demonstrate a high level of scholarship but are also outstanding in terms of language. The prize money is provided by the Karin- und Carl-Heinrich Esser-Stiftung. Currently, the prize is worth 2,000 euros.
Prof. Dr. Theo Stemmler (chair)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Stickel
Prof. Dr. Philipp Gassert
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Falk
PD Dr. Marc Andree Weber
Purpose of the foundation
Recognition of doctoral dissertations and habilitations that demonstrate a high level of scholarship and are particularly outstanding in terms of language.
Application process:
Every school at the University of Mannheim may submit a suggestion. Applications must be forwarded to the head of the jury.
Ten rules for academic writing by Prof. Dr. Theo Stemmler (PDF)