University of Mannheim Supports #Zusammenland – Vielfalt macht uns stark” Campaign

The University of Mannheim participates in the #ZUSAMMENLAND – Vielfalt macht uns stark” (Diversity makes us strong) campaign, which was initiated by the news outlets DIE ZEIT, Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, WirtschaftsWoche, and Ströer. Together with around 500 companies, higher education institutions, foundations, and associations, the university takes a stand against right-wing extremism, and commits to freedom, diversity, and a welcoming culture. The university shares the key message of the campaign that “open-mindedness, respect, and solidarity are values that make Germany not only a country worth living in, but also an economically strong one. That is why we stand together for an open country that courageously faces challenges.”
The campaign started on 15 February with a double-page spread in newspapers and on digital outdoor advertising throughout Germany. The motif continues to be used in newspapers, in public spaces, and on social media.