Medical Emergencies
In case of a medical emergency, you can contact a vast range of medical facilities that will help you instantaneously.
Medical on-call service
In case you get sick on a weekend or a public holiday with an illness which your general practitioner would usually examine, you can contact the medical on-call service:
Kassenärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst
Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1–3
68167 Mannheim
Phone: +49 116 117 (Germany-wide)
Emergency room
In cases of emergency, you can present at an emergency room in one of the following hospitals:
Diakonissenkrankenhaus Mannheim
Speyerer Straße 91–93
68163 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 81020
Bassermannstraße 1
68165 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 424 -5555
Universitätsklinikum Mannheim
Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1–3
68167 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 383 -4472
Psychiatric emergencies
In cases of psychiatric emergencies, the medical and psychotherapeutic emergency room staff of the Central Institute of Mental Health provides help:
Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit
68159 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 1703 -0
Dental emergencies
In case you have a dental emergency on a weekend or a public holiday and need to consult a dentist, you can contact the dental emergency service:
Zahnärztlicher Notfall-Dienst
Collinistraße 11
68161 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 38000 813
Pharmacy emergency service
In case you need medication on Sundays or public holidays, you can search for an open pharmacy via the Apothekenfinder (pharmacy finder).