Zwei Studentinnen und zwei Studenten sitzen auf dem Ehrenhof der Universität Mannheim vor einer Statue.

Upon Your Arrival

An alle neu zugelassenen Studierenden: Willkommen – bitte lesen Sie die Informationen im Studierendenportal Portal². Sie können sich dort mit den Benutzerdaten des Bewerberportals einloggen. Dort finden Sie aktuelle Hinweise für Ihren Studienbeginn im kommenden Semester – vor allem im Bereich “Einführungsveranstaltungen und ToDos”! Hier geht es zum Portal²!

Upon your arrival, you have to complete a number of very important steps in order to start studying. Please find out more here.

  • Events

    Orientation Session for all new Degree-Seeking Students (English)

    When: Wednesday, 28. August 2024, 1:30 p.m. (German time)

    Where: SN 163 (Schloss)


    Welcome Reception for International Students

    When:      Friday, 30 August 2024, 4 p.m.
    Where:    A3


    If you can't come to Mannheim for the event, you can also participate via Zoom.

    Please note: Photos and videos will be taken during the events. They will be used for documentation purposes and for subsequent publications to report on the event.

    Map of the Campus (PDF)

    Click here for a brochure containing all the events for international students taking place this semester.

    International Stammtisch

    The Stammtisch is for everyone who likes to meet new people, connect with others and have fun. For this we plan various events throughout the semester.

    You can find more information about the events and the registration here.

  • Enrollment

    Newly admitted students will find most up-to-date guidance on enrollment in the section 'Orientation events and Things to Do'! You can log in to Portal² with the same credentials you are using for the Application Portal! Find the Portal² here!

  • Insurance

    Find out more in the section Entry and Insurance.

  • Residence permit

    Students from outside the EU and EFTA require a residence permit after their entry, regardless of whether they needed a visa in order to enter Germany. After registering at the residents' registration office, please make an appointment with the foreigner's office about one month before the expiration of your visa. Please bring the following documents to the appointment:

    • Enrollment certificate
    • Tenancy agreement for your apartment
    • Proof of financial resources
    • Membership confirmation of health insurance provider
    • Passport
    • Biometric passport picture

    The application fee has to payed directly at the appointment.

    Please see our FAQ for more information about residence permits.


    Important advice: Your residence permit for the purpose of studying will automatically become invalid two weeks after you have completed your studies, even if it expires only at a later date. You then have to apply for a new residence permit. If you have any questions about residence permits, do not hesitate to contact us!

  • Support and advice in finding accommodation

    Have you not found housing yet? We are happy to assist you in finding accommodation in Mannheim. In order to help you search the private rental market, the International Office is providing an “Accommodation Service” during the Welcome Week. Of course, you can always stop by during our consultation hours. We will help you in case of problems with your landlord, answer your questions and help you find housing. Click here for more important information about housing in Mannheim.

    You are also welcome to apply for a room in one of the student residence halls of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim. However, you are not guaranteed a room in student housing! The waiting lists are long and we recommend applying as soon as possible and looking for a room on the private rental market at the same time.

  • Financing

    Here are scholarship and funding opportunities for international degree-seeking students from internal and external organizations.

Integreat App Mannheim

The Integreat App Mannheim provides you with necessary information which you will need upon your arrival in Mannheim. The app displays important matters, which you will have to consider when moving to Mannheim, in a clear and compact way. You can find information regarding e.g. apartment search, health insurance and residence permits.

The app is available in several languages (e.g. English, Turkish, and Russian). New languages are added frequently.

The Integreat App Mannheim can be downloaded from the App-Store and Google Play Store for free. Additionally, the app is available as a desktop version .

The University of Mannheim is a great place for international students to study. There’s always someone I can talk to if I have any questions or problems.

Hieu Nguyen, student in the bachelor’s program in Media and Communication Studies, Hanoi (Vietnam) / Photo credit: Elisa Berdica


Team International Degree-Seeking Students

Team International Degree-Seeking Students

University of Mannheim
Division II – Student Affairs
International Office
L 1, 1 – Room 108/109
68161 Mannheim
Opening hours:
Visit our offices without an appointment on Tuesdays from 9–11 a.m. (open office hours).