Founders: Karl-Friedrich Meckel (d.) and family (Trifels-Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt/
Prof. Dr. Annette Kehnel
Foundation council:
Michael Meckel
Felissa Meckel
Dominic Meckel
Klaus Kapp
Kai Landes, Chairman of the Board of Sparkasse Kaiserslautern
Prof. Dr. Raik Stolletz
Prof. Dr. Leif Döring
Honorary council:
Prof. Dr. (em.) Günther Wiese
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Bühler
Prof. Dr. Thomas Fetzer (President of the University)
Purpose of the foundation
Construction and conservation of housing for students of different nationalities, as well as funding and support of international students’ studies at the University of Mannheim.
Application process:
Applications for an apartment in the International Meeting Center (IBZ), or for housing benefit shall be sent to the International Office. Other applications have to be submitted via the board to the foundation council.
Website: www.ekkehard-stiftung.de