From initial idea to joint publication – CDSS doctoral students Oke Bahnsen and Ulrich Müller tell all

Political scientist Oke Bahnsen and psychologist Ulrich Müller had a bright, interdisciplinary idea early on in their doctoral studies. They applied and won the CDSS Young Scholar Award and now we are very happy to celebrate the resulting joint paper 'State anxiety by itself does not change political attitudes: A threat of shock experiment' published in 'Frontiers in Psychology'

Here's what they had to say:

“The CDSS Young Scholar Award allowed us to pursue and finish a research project that emerged from the inspiring and interdisciplinary environment at the CDSS. During our first year at the CDSS, we developed the idea for a project at the intersection of political science and psychology: assessing the effect of anxiety on political attitudes by conducting a laboratory experiment. The results of our experiment suggest that state anxiety by itself does not sway political attitudes. Previously observed effects that were ascribed to state anxiety may be conditional on political context of threat. Without the resources provided by the CDSS Young Scholar Award, the realization of the project would not have been possible. In addition, the award made our project more visible to faculty members, who in turn provided valuable feedback and support.”

Many congratulations!
