University Entrance Qualification

International university entrance qualification:

This qualification entitles prospective students to start their first degree program at a higher education institution (e.g., school-leaving certificates such as the Abitur, High School diploma, Attestat, Baccalaureat, etc.).

Type of qualification:
Please select: Ausland (fachgebundene Hochschulreife)

Please enter 'n' (lower case) in both fields.

If you acquired your university entrance qualification abroad (outside of Germany), the field “Stadt / Kreis des Erwerbs der HZB im Inland” (town/district of acquisition of your university entrance qualification in Germany) remains set to “Bitte auswählen” (Please select). Please select the country where you acquired your university entrance qualification in the field below.

German university entrance qualification:

Please select the town or district where you acquired your university entrance qualification. Please leave the response to the “Ansonsten bei Ewerb der HZB im Ausland bitte Staat angeben” (If you obtained your university entrance qualification abroad, please specify the country) field on “Bitte auswählen” (Please select).

If you have further questions concerning the university entrance qualification, please contact us via e-mail to