Information for International Exchange Coordinators

Nominations of exchange students may be submitted via the Mobility Online portal exclusively. Nominations submitted via e-mail cannot be accepted. International exchange coordinators will receive all relevant information on the respective nomination dates via e-mail.

You can find our nomination deadlines in our latest Fact Sheet.

As soon as we have received the nomination from the coordinators at the home institution, students will receive an e-mail containing the link and log-in data for the application portal Mobility Online as well as further important information and data on studying in Mannheim.

Under Applying, exchange students are provided with information about housing and courses they may select.

Fact Sheets

Here, you will find further information on staying abroad at the University of Mannheim.

The nomination process

  1. The contact persons responsible for nominations at our partner universities will receive information about the nomination process before the start of the nomination period by e-mail.
  2. You can use an existing account or create a new account to submit nominations via our online nomination portal. The nomination information always contains a link enabling you to create an account or log in to the portal.
  3. Register for and/or log in to the nomination portal.
  4. Select “My Mobility Online” and then “Create new nomination”.
  5. Fill in the nomination form.
  6. Check the information you entered before saving the nomination. After saving, changes can only be made by the staff members of the International Office.
  7. Save the nomination.

As soon as you have saved the nomination, the International Office will check the nomination and then send the registration link for the application by e-mail to the respective student. This e-mail will also be sent (in CC) to the contact you specified as the coordinating person at the home institution when you nominated the student.

FAQs on nominations

  • I have forgotten my user name and/or password. Can you please help me?

    No need to panic! In order to request your user name or reset your password, please follow this link and enter your user name or e-mail address.

  • What student data is necessary for nominations?

    • Exchange program
    • Exchange semester(s)
    • Name of student
    • Date of birth
    • Gender
    • E-mail address
    • Field of study in Mannheim
    • Study level during the stay abroad
    • Number of semesters completed before the start of the stay abroad
    • Name and e-mail address of the exchange coordinator at the sending institution
    • Name and e-mail address of the transcript coordinator at the sending institution
  • What language skills are students required to have?

    We require students to either have good German language skills or a good level of English (at least B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). We expect the sending university to make sure that the students possess the required language proficiency.

    We do not require students to submit proof of their language proficiency.

  • I have received the nomination e-mail but there was no registration link. What shall I do?

    Please request a registration link by sending an e-mail to Josephine Bourke.

  • I have received the nomination e-mail but I am not responsible for nominations. Can I forward the e-mail to my colleague?

    In case we have sent the nomination information to the wrong contact, please inform us, so we can update our data base accordingly and send a new link to the competent person. Please DO NOT forward the link to other colleagues, as it is a personalized link for the recipient of the e-mail.

  • Solutions to error messages

    When I try to register, I receive an error message, saying that this application has already been registered. What is happening?

    This means that you have already registered and, therefore, already have an account. Please go to the log-in page and enter your log-in data.

    When I enter my user name, I receive an error message, saying that special characters are not allowed. How do I resolve this?

    Special characters such as “@” or “!” must not be used in user names. The user name may contain lowercase and uppercase letters as well as dots (.) in order to separate different names in the user name (e.g., “”, “”, “university.coordinator”).

    When entering a password, I receive an error message. What is the problem?

    Another error message may be, for example: “Your password needs to contain at least one special character.”

    This means that your password does not meet the requirements. Please make sure that your password fulfills the following requirements:

    • at least 8 characters, max. 30 characters
    • at least 1 uppercase letter
    • at least 1 number
    • at least 1 special character

    Example: “Password123!”, “TestPassword1$” (Please do NOT use these examples!)

    I receive an error message after submitting the nomination. What shall I do?

    Please check if you have already nominated the student or if a colleague has nominated them. Please note that students cannot be nominated twice.

    In case you have not already nominated the student in question, please try again later. If the problem persists, please send an e-mail to Andy Mey.

  • I have requested my user name and/or password but have not received an e-mail. What can I do now?

    Please wait a few minutes and check your junk/spam folder. If you do not receive an e-mail, please contact Andy Mey via e-mail.

  • Filling in the nomination form

    1. You cannot select “School in Mannheim” or “School in Mannheim (university-wide)” in the nomination form?

    Please check if you have a university-wide agreement with the University of Mannheim. If yes, please tick the box “Yes” where it says “university-wide agreement?”.

    If your institution does not have a university-wide agreement, please tick the box “No”.

    If this does not solve the problem, please send an e-mail to Josephine Bourke giving a brief description of the problem(s) you encounter.

    2. You cannot select “Subject area in Mannheim”, “Status in Mannheim” or “Study level in Mannheim”?

    Please check if you have an active agreement with the University of Mannheim in the appropriate subject area and for the respective study level. In case you have an active agreement, but the nomination form still does not work, please send an e-mail to Josephine Bourke giving a brief overview of the agreement status and the problems you are facing when trying to enter the required information.

    3. You cannot select “Country of home institution” or “Name of home institution”?

    Please check if you have an active agreement for the selected school, subject area and study level in Mannheim. In case you have an active agreement, but the nomination form still does not allow you to choose the necessary options, please send an e-mail to Josephine Bourke giving a brief overview of the agreement situation and your problem.

    4. The nomination form does not accept the e-mail address of the student. Why?

    Please make sure that the e-mail address is spelled correctly. In particular, pay attention to spaces that may occur at the end of an e-mail address when it was copied from another document.

    5. The “Coordinator at home institution” is also the “Person responsible for the transcript of records”. What shall I specify in the form?

    Please enter the same information in the respective fields.

  • I noticed a mistake in one or more fields after submitting the nomination. How can I correct it?

    Please send an e-mail with the correct information to Josephine Bourke.

  • I have submitted nominations but did not receive a confirmation via e-mail. Did something go wrong?

    Due to technical constraints, we cannot send any confirmation e-mails.

    However, the coordinator of the sending institution will receive a carbon copy (CC) of the e-mails sent to the student. We send out the application links to students shortly after we have received and reviewed your nomination. The coordinator (in CC) will therefore receive the application link as well if the nomination was successful.

  • How can I find out if the nominated student already completed the application?

    The coordinator of the home institution will receive the confirmation of a successful application via e-mail (in CC). Generally, the confirmation will be sent as soon as the student has completed the application and the application was reviewed by the International Office.

  • How can students submit their application after they have been nominated?

    After we have checked the nominations, students will be contacted via e-mail providing them with further instructions concerning their application. We will CC the exchange coordinator specified in the nomination data in this e-mail.

    Please find the application deadlines applying to your students in our fact sheet at the top of this page.

  • What do I have to do if one of our students wishes to extend their stay?

    Please send an e-mail to Josephine Bourke.

    Do NOT nominate the student again.

Promotion material of the University of Mannheim

We would appreciate if you promote the University of Mannheim as a destination for exchange stays on your website and at Study Abroad Fairs.

You can use the press photos of the campus free of charge, provided you quote the source.

You are also welcome to link to our video Living and Studying as an International at the University of Mannheim” or embed it on your website. Additionally, feel free to share our updated brochure for incoming exchange students (PDF), which provides an overview of living and studying in Mannheim as an international exchange student.


Josephine Bourke

Josephine Bourke (she/her)

Admissions Officer for International Exchange Students
University of Mannheim
Division II – Student Affairs
International Office
L 1, 1 – Room 110
68161 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181-1123
Fax: +49 621 181-1161
Office hours:
Out of the office on Mondays; Working from home every Thursday and Friday; on these two days you can reach me via email only.