Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to Fund Mannheim Project on Customization of Digital Continuing Education

The project “Kontextbasierte und adaptive Maßnahmen für effektive Lernunterstützung in der Online-Weiterbildung” (Context-based and adaptive measures for effective learning support in digital continuing education) – KAMAELEON for short – led by Dirk Ifenthaler, professor of Economic and Business Education at the University of Mannheim, is one of the winning projects in the INVITE innovation competition.

Are digital continuing education programs an effective way to address the learning needs of the participants? And how to best personalize the learning experience? The Mannheim-based project KAMAELEON – a cooperation between the Chair of Learning, Design & Technology and the learning experience platform of the Münster-based startup edyoucated – is investigating these and other questions.

To this end, the research team headed by Prof. Dr. Dirk Ifenthaler is initially investigating the conditions for flexible continuing education programs. Based on the research results, the next step will be to further develop the edyoucated learning experience platform. In future, the new platform will take into account the learning conditions and preferences of its users and will be available as open source. “The KAMAELEON project will make a significant scientific contribution to artificial intelligence in the field of continuing education, both on a national and international level,” emphasizes Ifenthaler who heads the project.

Visit the edyoucated learning experience platform: https://edyoucated.org/de/

Visit the website of the INVITE innovation competition: https://www.bmbf.de/de/innovationswettbewerb-invite-11103.html

