GIP Policy Brief 2/ 24

Credit: Universität Mannheim
The series “How does Germany tick?” regularly publishes short reports that make selected facts, figures and analyses from the German Internet Panel (GIP) available to an interested public, journalists and social decision-makers.
The series aims to make an evidence-based contribution to current, particularly controversial social and political debates.
The most important things in short:
- The accusation of anti-Semitism directed at the young, left-wing and academic milieu is premature – in fact, they are the least anti-Semitic group in Germany.
- What actually characterizes young, left-leaning people with a university degree is a pronounced pro-Palestinian attitude.
- Pro-Palestinian attitudes have little or no connection with traditional anti-Semitism.
- The German population is divided on the proper way to deal with Israel-critical statements at demonstrations, at universities and in social media.