Interdisciplinary WIN Conferences of the Young Academy

The Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities is inviting Early Career Researchers to apply for funding for interdisciplinary conferences.

The WIN-Conferences programme enables early career researchers to independently plan and conduct international, interdisciplinary conferences. Conferences that bring into contact early career researchers with the experts of the respective diciplines will receive preferential treatment. This entails appropriate conference formats and a limited number of participants.

In accordance with the Academy’s mission, the conferences should foster dialog between established disciplines and thus need to focus on interdisciplinarity

Who can apply?
At the time of applying you

  • have finished your PhD
  • are employed at or affilited with a research institution in Baden-Württemberg
  • are not a tenured professor


  • Funding up to € 11,000.
  • Assistance with the independent planning and conducting of the conference by our experienced employees.
  • The possibility to publish the conference proceeds.
  • A location for up to 60 participants in the historic Old Town of Heidelberg.
  • Assistance in production of conference and promotional material and promotion of the conference

Further information
Call for applications (pdf)
