Julie Bassermann Award Ceremony: Honoring the Young Researchers of the Business School of the University of Mannheim

The prize was awarded for business-related works that innovatively examine the gender gap in the “Women in Leadership Positions” and its elimination.
Two members of the Business School at the University of Mannheim were honored. Dr. Leo Schmallenbach from the Chair of Organization and Innovation by Prof. Dr. Karin Hoisl, received an award in the dissertation category dissertation for his groundbreaking research titled “Gender Differences in Innovation and Competitive Settings.” The laudation was delivered by Professor Dr. Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, also from the Business School.
Laura Scheerer was honored by Professor Dr. Astrid Hedtke-Becker, the Rector of the Hochschule Mannheim, for her innovative master's thesis titled „Resilienzrelevante Herausforderungen, Ressourcen und Coping-Strategien von Frauen in Führungsposition: Eine Interviewstudie“ (Resilience-Relevant Challenges, Resources, and Coping Strategies of Women in Leadership Positions: An Interview Study). The work was conducted at the Chair of Economic and Business Education under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Carmela Aprea.
The award was named after Julie Bassermann, a prominent figure in Mannheim, who, through her personal commitment and involvement in the „Frauenbildung – Frauenstudium“ (Women's Education and Women's Studies) association, significantly contributed to making Baden the first German state to open universities to women in the year 1900.