Mentoring und Training-Program: Acquiring Third-Party Funding

Active acquisition of third-party funding is an important career building block for young female scientists. At this workshop on 14 November 2022 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., you will be shown methods that lead to success in the application process.

Active acquisition of third-party funding is an important career component for young female scientists: Third-party funding acquired is an important basis for one's own scientific work and is also regarded as proof of scientific excellence and enhances one's reputation. In order to optimize your chances in research funding in the future, you will first receive a comprehensive overview of the national funding landscape, be familiarized with the ABC of the application process and be made aware of possible pitfalls.

When:   14 November 2022 – from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where:  University of Mannhein, Room O 126 (Dozentenzimmer)
Trainer: Margit Mosbacher, Chancellor of the State University of Music Trossingen

Information and registration can be found on the website of the LaKoG.
