Opening hours of the Express Service and Portal² services restricted in April
The new system is a necessary technical upgrade to further improve our student services and preparing its implementation took several years. From 1 April until 16 April 2023, all existing data (grades, coursework etc) will be migrated from the old system to the new system. All relevant (existing) systems will be “frozen” and some of them will be shut down.
During this time, services like grade submissions, registrations for courses and examinations, and the issuance of Transcript of Records or degree certificates will not be available. Student Services as well as the Express Service will be closed from 3 until 17 April 2023 (Easter break).
Please keep this downtime of our services in mind and take care of important and urgent tasks in due time before 30 March 2023. Students and staff members will find more information in their e-mail inboxes.
As of 18 April 2023, our services on Portal² will be fully accessible again.