“Taking the Pulse of the Country:” Examining Germany’s Dignity Gap in Politics, Society, and at Work
Even amidst debates about political conflict, labor conditions, technological and medical advancements, or a myriad of crises plaguing the country like migration, the pandemic or climate change, there is one common denominator most people can agree on: Treating others with respect, acknowledging the inalienable rights and dignity of others is of utmost importance. In turn, so is a violation of these rights. Through their most recent study, the German Internet Panel (GIP) has developed a method to measure the level of dignity individuals experience in society. The team of researchers conducted surveys with 3,683 participants to ask them about the level of dignity and respect they experience in society, at work and from politicians.
Human Dignity Is Measurable
We experience respect, or a lack thereof, through a multitude of daily interactions with others. A large part of this notion stems from the desire to be seen as an autonomous person who is valued by those around us. The study identifies two interconnected aspects of human dignity, namely self-respect and social approval. Self-respect refers to the basic human need to think of ourselves as making valuable contributions to society and public welfare. According to the survey, a majority of German citizens (85% and 74%, respectively) feel that their contributions to society at large are of considerable value and use. Strikingly, the number of people who view their contributions to a functioning democracy as valuable and useful is somewhat smaller at 65%.
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