Meet-the-Data[at]Amtliche Statistik event series

The online event series Meet-the-Data@Amtliche Statistik offers researchers information on data sets of official statistics.

The Meet-the-Data@Amtliche Statistik event series starts on 10 October 2024. It is aimed at researchers and presents high-quality data from the KonsortSWD research data centres. Online presentations and Q&A sessions take place every second Thursday of the month from 13:15 to 14:00. Topics include vehicle data from the Federal Motor Transport Authority and population data from the Microcensus. Interested parties can register for individual events. Further information and registration are available online.

The series of events will start with administrative process data from the Research Data Centre of the Federal Employment Agency (IAB). These microdata, which have provided a detailed picture of labour market developments since 1975, enable analyses that are unique in the world. They are supplemented by survey data such as SOEP or NEPS and are made available to external researchers via secure data access.

The University Library will assist you in negotiating and concluding data use agreements.
