WUMAN Semester Program HWS 22

After the inspiring WUMAN Kick-Off a few weeks ago, WUMAN has prepared a small but great semester program.

After the WUMAN Kick-Off a few weeks ago, WUMNA has put together a semester program:

  • 26.10.22 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. WOMEN ONLY guided tour at Kunsthalle Mannheim
    The tour will begin at 6:30pm on the exhibits of female artists in the exhibition.
    The cost for the guided tour is 6€. Please register by October 21, 2022 at wuman.mannheim@gmail.com (or write if you are thinking of joining spontaneously, if necessary, so that WUMAN can estimate approximately the size of the group).
  • 31.10.22 from 15.30 – 17.30 Macher*innen Event followed by an evening at the restaurant “Brasserie Bernstein” in B6, 12   
    The event is organized by Meike Bonefeld and Anne-Sophie Waag with the motto “We rise by others” (more here: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/wuman-macherinnen-we-rise-by-lifting-others-tickets-415454705207). After the online event, WUMAN would like to toast together with you in the Brasserie Bernstein in B6, 12.   
    Because there is reason to celebrate: 31.10 is at the same time the 4th birthday of WUMAN and also the official start of WUMAN Germany and the WUMAN local group Mannheim.
  • 24.11.22 from 12.30 – 13.30 “Einfach-So-Lunch” in the intercultural meeting center (L2,2)   
    Without speakers or thematic input, WUMAN would like to take the opportunity to exchange and network with you.
  • 14.12.22 at 18:00 Christmas market stroll as the end of the semester.
    Wrap up the WUMAN semester with a stroll through the Christmas Market.

For questions, contact WUMAN at wuman(at)wuman.de.
