New Executive Vice President Elected

In a joint meeting, the Senate and the University Supervisory Board have elected Dr. Katrin Schoppa-Bauer as new Executive Vice President of the University of Mannheim. She will take over from Barbara Windscheid, who is retiring after six years in office, on 1 January 2023. As the second full-time member of the President’s Office team, the Executive Vice President is in charge of HR management, the university budget, and internal administration. The term of office is six years.
Katrin Schoppa-Bauer has many years’ experience working in university administration and management. After studying law at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, she completed legal training in Kaiserslautern, Mainz, and Wiesbaden. After passing the second state examination in law, she worked as a research associate under Professor Rainer Pitschas, Chair of Administrative Sciences, Development Policy, and Public Law, at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer. In 2011, she obtained a doctoral degree (Dr. iur.) there. That same year, she was appointed head of the Department of Law at Mannheim’s School of Law and Economics. From 2018 onwards, she worked for the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts before returning to the University of Mannheim two years later. Since the start of 2021, she has been managing the Executive Office of the President.
Professor Thomas Puhl is happy about the result of the election: “Dr. Katrin Schoppa-Bauer is the perfect candidate. I am looking forward to leading the university into the future together. In the upcoming years, we need to tackle big projects, such as further digital transformation and securing funding for our university. I am sure that Dr. Schoppa-Bauer will continue the great work of the outgoing Executive Vice President, Barbara Windscheid. Not only does she have legal expertise and excellent knowledge of the university’s structures, she is also an experienced leader and is well connected both inside and outside the university.”
Text: Dr. Maartje Koschorreck / October 2022